Meet Reggie
A Progressive Change Agent
Born and raised in northeast Baltimore, Reggie has dedicated his life to transforming systems and fighting for equity. After graduating from the University of Virginia, Reggie began his career as a 6th and 7th grade science and social studies teacher in Baltimore City Public Schools through Teach For America. He led his students to great results by implementing data driven instruction. While teaching, he earned a Masters in Education from Johns Hopkins University. Subsequently, he earned his MBA from Duke University and has helped reduce healthcare costs and expand access by managing high impact projects as a business consultant for leading health plans and providers. In the Local School Council, Reggie will bring his unique perspective to bear, advocating for Chicago’s brightest minds within the city’s education system.
Overcoming Obstacles
Reggie will be the progressive champion we need to bring home valuable resources and funding to our schools. He has what it takes to champion and fight for change. Raised by a single mother with a father in prison, Reggie defied the odds. He fought to become the first person in his family to graduate from college, then took this spirit to the classroom and fought for his students that were learning in under-resourced classrooms. From firsthand experience as an educator, Reggie knows that skimping out on education resources for our community’s children is never an acceptable response to the needs of our society’s future.
Leading for Transformation
For years, there has been much talk, many promises and few results. The time for change has come. Reggie will work to hold the line on establishing a new 21st-century standard for the next generation of Chicago students and focus on delivering the promise of a world-class education for our youth.
“Dear Neighbor,
I believe every child deserves a world-class education.
As a former teacher and an educator at heart, I know what it takes to be our local school council community champion and how to advocate for our students, families, and communities.
Despite having a single mother with a father in prison, I became the 1st in my family to graduate college. Afterwards, I became a middle school science & social studies teacher in an inner-city school that was under-privileged & under-resourced.
Nonetheless, I led my students to great results. Too often, our youth & communities are counted out. Our children deserves access to high-quality technology, computer science, and S.T.E.A.M. education to secure the jobs of the future. They deserve supportive teachers in an inclusive and holistic learning environment.
I have garnered the firsthand expertise needed to unite with education experts and families to deliver the promise of excellence for our next generation.”